Domains reached by the Dragonfly App
- – port 443/HTTPS
- To validate the credentials when Dragonfly is launched for the very first time and then once every 30 days (few KB of data transferred).
- To download the floor plans images if available on the Onit server (few MB of data transferred).
- To upload to the Onit server the positions computed by Dragonfly (only needed when this function is activated by the user). The positions can then be:
- downloaded from the Onit server via this API
- visualized in the form of heatmaps or spaghetti diagram inside the Dragonfly dashboard as shown here.
- – port 443/HTTPS
- To download the floor plan metadata (few KB of data transferred).
Repository to download Dragonfly ZIP file
In addition to the 2 domains above, each machine on which you would like to install the Dragonfly App needs to have access to the Onit repository on which the ZIP installation file is stored. This repository is:
- – port 443/HTTPS – needed ONLY to download Dragonfly update or installation files.
Domains reached by the Dragonfly Cloud Dashboard
- – port 443/HTTPS
- To validate the credentials (few KB of data transferred).
- To access all the resources like levels, accounts, geo-fences, user accounts… (few KB of data transferred).
- – port 443/HTTPS
- To download from the Onit server the positions computed by Dragonfly (when this function is activated inside Dragonfly by the user). The positions can then be:
- downloaded from the Onit server via this API
- visualized in the form of heatmaps or spaghetti diagram inside the Dragonfly dashboard as shown here.
- To download from the Onit server the positions computed by Dragonfly (when this function is activated inside Dragonfly by the user). The positions can then be:
- – port 443/HTTPS
- To download the floor plans images (few MB of data transferred).