Is an internet connection required to use Dragonfly?
85 views0Francesco
Domains reached by the Dragonfly App – port 443/HTTPS
To validate the credentials at login and to periodically check them(few KB of data transferred).
(OPTIONALLY) To pull the floor plans and maps available on the Onit server (several MB of data transferred).
(OPTIONALLY) To push the floor plans and maps locally saved to the Onit server (several MB of data transferred).
(OPTIONALLY) To push to the positions computed from the Dragonfly App to the Dragonfly server (only neededwhen this function is activated by the user). The historical positions can then be visualized in the form of heatmaps or spaghetti diagram inside the Dragonfly dashboard as shown here.
Domains reached by the Dragonfly Cloud Dashboard – port 443/HTTPS
To validate the credentials at login (few KB of data transferred).
To access all the resources like sites, floor plans, licenses, devices, accounts (few KB of data transferred).
To access the historical positions optionally pushed by the Dragonfly App to the Dragonfly server. The historical positions can then be visualized in the form of heatmaps or spaghetti diagram inside the Dragonfly dashboard as shown here.